Town Of Avon: Frontier's Fiber Optic Project | Avon, CT Patch

2022-04-21 07:33:08 By : Mr. John Zhao

Press release from the Town of Avon:

A few notable facts about Frontier's Fiber Optic Project: The program goal is to bring fiber optic internet service to residences throughout Connecticut. The work involved to do this involves installation of fiber optic cables either underground conduit (preferred) or overhead. With the exception of work being done on private roads, all of the project work will be done within the Town's right-of-way. Where possible, the new fiber optic cable will be run within existing underground conduit, and therefore will require minimal above ground work. Where new conduit must be installed, they will attempt to use a method known as "directional moling" which essentially involves using compressed air to move a moling tip the size of the conduit under the ground. By doing this, they will not have to dig a trench to install the conduit. It does require several smaller hand-dug holes to work the moling equipment within. By moling, they hope to avoid having to cut driveway aprons or impact trees or landscaping within the Town-owned property. They will be leaving a door hanging with basic information at the residences on each street that they will be working within. A copy of this is provided HERE. They hope to complete the project by mid-June of this year. There will be two contractors working in Avon: Parkside Utilities and Mastec. We have included a series of slides provided by Frontier that provide additional information. Residents that have either buried wires for invisible dog fences or driveway lights, or irrigation systems are encouraged to contact the contractor when they are in their neighborhood. We have been told that the contractor will repair impacted systems.

This press release was produced by the Town of Avon. The views expressed here are the author's own.